Inventory SOLD
1977 Beechcraft King Air 200 Serial number BB-271 Registration N131TC
Total Time: 7722.7 hours
Total Cycles: 7779.7 cycles
Blackhawk -61 engines:
Cruise speed on the aircraft is currently 285kts.
- Increased rate of climb
- Higher single engine service ceiling
- Faster cruise speeds, resulting in reduced time on airframe and engines
- Higher resale value
Right Engine: TSN: 449.5 hours CSN: 449 cycles
Left Prop: TSN: 7722.7 hours TSO: 284.9 hours
Right Prop: TSN: 7722.7 hours TSO: 284.9 hours
Collins autopilot AP-105
Collins flight director
Garmin GNS-530 Nav/Com/GPS system
Garmin MX-20 MFD
WSI AV-200 data weather uplink system
L-3 Communications Skywatch 497 system
Honeywell RDR-2000 color weather radar system
Collins transponder (x2)
Collins RMI
Collins ADF
Sound management system
Headsup cabin briefer
Argus moving map
Northstar M3 approach GPS system
Additional Equipment:
Raisbeck dual aft body strakes
Raisbeck wing lockers
Raisbeck enhanced performance leading edge
Raisbeck quiet turbofan 4 bladed props
Fresh Phase 1-4 at Beechcraft service center April 2015